Feb 23, 2008

Isometric perspective

Micron outliners and Prismacolor markers.

BTW, Copic pwns Prisma.
Brush tips = so much more love.


Mayumi Nose said...

gdi I don't want to do my background hw anymore T_T YAY COPICS (I have no idea what an isometric is *hurhuristoopid*, but your drawing is awesome :D)

There was this dude in dig. painting who got a little miffed when I asked if he toned his background concept in Copic or Prismas...apparently he used Prismas cuz 'Copics are too expensive, and Prismacolor is just as good'. I didn't want to tell him that I used Copics, and that the brush nib pwns all :O

JM said...

I-I can't remember when you finished this, but arrrghh your backgrounds are crazy!

cait o said...

Luuuuuurve the environment you've made, uwah, perspective! *w* So pretty~ I love the light in this piece. It looks so simple, but you've really got a lot going on! <3

Copics are so much easier to use, though there was a girl here who did craaaaaazy stuff with prismas, since she never knew about copics. D: