Mar 30, 2009

The Young King

Three roughs and a color mock-up for Oscar Wilde's "The Young King."

Planning to do final watercolor pieces for the first two roughs. The color test is for the cover with room for title/author text, and the second is an inside spread. They'll be the same size as the previous one, 8.5x22", except now I have two pieces due in two weeks. Uh, to add to the stress, I'm trying to do a few fanart CGs for Sakura-con next week... Priorities are kinda fighting each other right now.

Mar 5, 2009

Clothed figure classwork

wk 1, 10 min

wk 2, 20 min

wk 4, 20 min

wk 5, 5 min

wk 5, 10 min

wk 5, 40 min

wk 6, 20 min

wk 6, 20 min

I'm really enjoying clothed figure, I think it's easier to render than nude figure drawing. Still need to get faster, though, and work on lower body.

In-class drawings
3B charcoal pencil on newsprint