

That was fun. :D
My first time trying to achieve atmospheric perspective... it was tough. Gotta practice CG techniques more! Or painting techniques in general. Being forced to watercolor for my earlier pieces did help me see color significantly better.
I'm sad this class is over, all my classmates were awesome artists and it was inspiring being able to work with upperclassmen~ Matt Faulkner is an awesome awesome teacher. The class flowed really nicely and we got great tips on not only art but the children's book industry in general. I hope I get him as an instructor again~!
p.s. Also, I made it into AAU's 2009 Spring Show! :) Exciting~~~!
My first time trying to achieve atmospheric perspective... it was tough. Gotta practice CG techniques more! Or painting techniques in general. Being forced to watercolor for my earlier pieces did help me see color significantly better.
I'm sad this class is over, all my classmates were awesome artists and it was inspiring being able to work with upperclassmen~ Matt Faulkner is an awesome awesome teacher. The class flowed really nicely and we got great tips on not only art but the children's book industry in general. I hope I get him as an instructor again~!
lineart in lead pencil
color in Photoshop
color in Photoshop
p.s. Also, I made it into AAU's 2009 Spring Show! :) Exciting~~~!
oooh~~~congrats! :D
Congrats~!! I love this pic so much. For serious.
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