I got a good review but I need to make my style less "anime." I get that a lot. This change is going to be time-consuming and difficult, but for the sake of my grade (and I really do like and respect my teacher), I'll try.
I'll be uploading progress shots as I go.
I think you're doing a great job! I really like #3's composition.
About style...I don't think you should completely abandon your current style, think of it as developing a second style? (Kinda like a style library!)
I think focusing on getting a variation of facial structure might help in diminishing the "anime" feel to the drawings :)
Makes me wish I could take this class T__T But being a 3d major...getting into drawing classes are hard.
Nice work!
I think you'll start developing your own style as time goes by~ Just try experimenting a little here and there in your sketches - you'll be surprised what you come up with.
I can see why your teacher like the one you're detailing one, but I like all of them as well! *A*
Thank you for the comments, especially style-wise, those are great tips. Facial structure is something I've never considered changing up dramatically, I'll definitely try that.
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